Sound Health

Finding Your Big Idea - Vivek Tiwary [Podcast]

Dec 15, 2020

Show Links:

Tiwary Entertainment Group:

Jagged Little Pill




The Fifth Beatle:


Today’s guest is Mr. Vivek Tiwary, a...

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Musicians Healing by the Bedside – Pete Griffin, CEO of Musician's on Call [Podcast]

Dec 14, 2020



Musicians On Call’s website:

Musicians On Call’s Social Media:
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Breathe Your Way to Better Blood Pressure

Dec 14, 2020


Stress levels seem like they’re at an all-time high these days…and, unfortunately, blood pressure is soaring right along with it.

In fact, the American Stroke Association and...

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Simple Steps to Strengthen Your Attention

Dec 14, 2020

In today’s world, we’re constantly flooded with distractions from a constant barrage of emails, 24-hour TV news cycles, and scrolling through social media accounts. All of which can...

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The Little-Known Chemical that Has a Big Impact on Longevity

Dec 14, 2020

I think it’s safe to say we’d all like to keep our minds sharp as we age. And Big Pharma knows it. Which is why they’ve spent millions of dollars over the past several years...

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Repair these "energy leaks" leeching your vitality

Dec 14, 2020

Ask any Alaskan bear getting ready to hibernate and they’ll tell you that the secret to a successful winter is loading up on as much salmon as possible.

The bear instinctively knows not to...

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Can This Healing Tone Ease Tinnitus?

Dec 14, 2020

I love hearing from Sound Health readers. I use your feedback to help me decide what to research and write about. Which is why, today, I want to address one of the most frequently asked...

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The Benefits of Native American Healing - Shianne Eagleheart [Podcast]

Dec 10, 2020

Have you ever wondered how nature, ceremony, and sound are used in the Native American healing tradition?

Shianne Eagleheart is a Licensed Independent Counselor and Clinical Supervisor....

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